To give the admission to specific student over the ERP, You need to follow the following procedure:

1.      Application For Admission

·         This form simply allow you to submit the Student Application Form for admission, this doesn’t mean that the student will get the admission. This will just make a Student Information Entry, Which will may later converted into admission.

·         This form will contain all the necessary information about the students. Users are suggested to fill all the details as per their need to collect it from the students.



1.      Approve Student Application

·         Once the Student Application is submitted for the admission i.e. “Application for Admission”. It is comes as a pending for approval. This will not be available for admission till it is approved from the form “Approve Student Application”.

·         User/Authority can use this form to approve the Student Application for admission. Once it is getting approved, his/her details will be available in “Student Admission” to give the admission to specific student.



2.      Student Admission

·         Once the Student Application is approved for admission, this will be available in “Student Admission” form, from where user can select the student from the available approved student list. And can process the admission process for the selected student.

·         After completing the “Student Admission”. Student is successfully admitted in the specific program/branch/year-Semester/Section.

·         You can use the “View Admitted Student” form to view the list of admitted students as per their program/branch etc.



3.      Assign Subjects to Students

·         Once the students got the admission in specific program, now you need to assign them subjects which they are going to be learn/study in current program. This will help the faculty to mark the student attendance as per their subjects.

·         By assigning the subjects to student, faculty can mark the attendance of specific subject for the student; also can submit the marks of specific subjects and more.



Note: Users are suggested to use the help document of individual forms to know the working procedure of that form.